Your floor might be made out of wood or tiles or you might love that it is carpeted. But in due time you’d realize their flaws. Wood is high maintenance and if you don’t clean a spill immediately, it would definitely affect the wood’s staining. Tiles on the other hand might break if you drop something heavy on it or when it began to crack, it would get bigger and affect the other tiles. As for carpets, you have to have a vacuum to clean it and must be vacuumed thrice a week or maybe more if you or your family member is allergic to dust.
These scenarios are all annoying. If you don’t want to be bothered by all of it, here are 5 reasons why you should consider switching to colored concrete floors now.
Compared to tiles, colored concrete floors are durable. They are not prone to cracking and could withstand foot traffic no matter how busy. Colored concrete floors are also resistant to chemicals, as long as they are not affecting the floor’s finish. For concrete flooring solutions, CFS is the leading expert.
Low Maintenance
Since it is durable, it is also low maintenance. You don’t have to worry about it being scratched or being cracked over small insignificant actions. You also don’t have to worry about staining or discolorations as long as you clean it immediately. Cleaning colored concrete floors is also a breeze. Just dusting and mopping it and it is almost brand new again.
Another reason why colored concrete floor is the best option is because it is eco-friendly. No need for any special chemicals to install and to clean it, thus limiting the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment. And since it is long lasting and durable, you need to constantly replace it with materials that are manufactured and made with the use of chemicals and other natural resources is minimized. Little things like this affect the environment and if all would opt to have colored concrete floors instead of wood, thousands of trees would be saved from being cut and manufactured into wooden slabs.
Colored concrete floors are also customizable. You don’t need to worry about how it would match the existing aesthetic of your home should you decide on it now. Since it is customizable, you could also be guaranteed a one kind floor. You could be in charge of its overall look if the designs and colors available now is not to your liking.
Budget Friendly
Colored concrete floors could be designed to fit any budget. If your budget is not that substantial, you could settle to one color. But if you have the money for it, you could go as to having intricate patterns and designs or a customized one.
Of course, there are also cons such as it could be slippery when wet or it could be cold and in bedrooms, you might need to have rugs and carpets. Still, the benefits and advantages still outweigh the disadvantages.
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